
Saturday, February 13, 2010


I just finished giving myself my 2nd shot of the day! This was the first time I had done the FSH shot. I'm using the Follistim pen that you just twist to however many units you want to give. I wasn't sure what the needle was going to look like...I had a feeling it was going to be big, but when I opened the box, it was labeled as a "micro-fine" needle. I was so relieved! Brad and I watched the how-to video from the clinic so I wouldn't mess anything up, and then I went in the kitchen and sat on the floor so I could give it to myself for the first time without him watching and without Bailey jumping all over me. I must admit, even though I do have several bruises on my stomach, I feel like I'm actually getting pretty good at this.

1 comment:

  1. Holli,
    I didn't realize you had started the shots. I'm glad you started a blog to keep everyone informed. I hope and pray everything works the first time!! You will be an amazing mother and it sounds like Brad already has the right idea with helping out around the house :) Keep us updated and let me know if you need anything!
