
Thursday, April 14, 2011

We have a 1 month old?!?

I can't even begin to think of how many times people have told us to enjoy every second of parenthood because it flies by, but I think the past month has made us realize how true that is.  I was telling someone the other day that it seems like Cooper has been in our lives forever, but then again it definitely does not seem like he should already be a month old.  Actually, he's 5 weeks old today!

Our little man is definitely growing and changing every day.  I think he had his first "real" smile on Saturday.  He was laying on his little mat, and Bailey went up and sniffed him, and he got a huge grin on his face, and then I said something to him and he smiled again. Ever since then, he's been doing it a lot when you talk to him.  I finally captured a picture of one of these cute, toothless grins yesterday.

He's also making A LOT more cooing noises.  Tuesday morning Brad was getting ready for work and Cooper wanted to get up, so he closed the door and let me sleep a few more minutes, and he got him up.  His little cry didn't wake me up, but it did wake me up when I heard him in the living room making some of the loudest little noises he's ever made.  Of course I had to get up and go see my little boy.  What a great way to wake up in the morning!  :)  And to make it even better, my sweet husband had made my coffee for me. 

I'm not really sure how much Cooper weighs now (he doesn't go back to the doctor until May 31st for his 2 month check-up) but I do know that he is growing quickly!  He's in between sizes in his clothes.  Most of his newborn clothes finally fit him around the waist, but the legs and arms are too short.  He has been wearing a lot more 0-3 month clothes, but they are still kind of baggy on him.  I hate to see him grow out of his newborn clothes, but I must admit it has been kind of fun to dress him in different clothes (other than footed PJs).  :) 

This was Cooper's first time wearing a 0-3 month outfit.  Doesn't he look cute? 

Well, I think I've spent enough time on the blog for now...I've been working on this one post for 2 days.  :)   I'm getting behind in my daily chores of washing and making bottles.  I better get back to the usual routine before the little guy wakes up!

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