
Monday, February 14, 2011

The last leg of the race

So I really can't believe that the time has come where I've started my weekly appointments.  At times, it seems like I've been pregnant forever, but then again it also seems like it has flown by.  When we first found out we were pregnant in July, we thought March would never get here.  The first few months we were both busy with work, and I was starting a new school year, serving on jury duty, and on bed rest for a week.  The last couple of months we were busy with the holidays, and now we've been busy with getting Cooper's room ready (yes, I know...I have not posted pictures.  I will get to that soon!) and baby
showers.  Now, it is just about March, and our little boy will be here in no time.  :)


I went to the doctor on Thursday for my first "check", and to no surprise, Cooper is still breech.  This might be too much information for the blog, but my doctor said he thought he could "feel" a foot or two.  That means that either Cooper has put his legs down (YAY!) or the doctor was feeling something else besides a foot.  Anyway, I know for a fact that his head is still in the same place...right under my right rib cage.  I feel it everyday, and it's definitely very easy to tell that it's his hard head.  The big news we did get was that at my next appointment (tomorrow), we're going to have another ultrasound to check his position again, and if he hasn't moved, then we're going to go ahead and talk about scheduling a C-section.  Even though it is possible for Cooper to still turn in the next few weeks, my doctor is pretty sure he won't because of the way he is wedged in there.  As crazy as it might sound, Brad and I are both very excited about the C-section.  The recovery period may be a little longer and maybe a little more uncomfortable, but how great is it that we can schedule the exact day and time we get to go into the hospital and I don't have to go through the hours and hours of labor?  Sounds like a plan to me! :)  Hopefully after tomorrow we'll have more information and maybe even an exact day and time that our little guy will be born.  I'll be sure to post again tomorrow night with an update.

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